Download our app

If you have registered for one of our courses and want to sit and practice just with your phone, then you can download our app.

It is super easy you just need to:  

  1. Download the Simplero app
  2. Log in
  3. Find your course 
  4. Start playing
Download the Simplero App for iPhone on the App Store here.
Download the Simplero App for Android on the Google Play store here.

We hope this will make it even more fun for you to practice the handpan from wherever you choose :)


Hey - Why is it called the Simplero App and not the HandPan Courses App?
Well, it is quite simple to answer we run our entire business from the website, emails, payments, support, membership sites (the list goes on) on Simplero. It is a platform for content creators and we can highly recommend it. You can read more about it here

Hey - Why is it called Cursuteca when I am logged in?
Handpan Courses is part of the Cursuteca Online Course Network, and if you want to know more about our course network then read more here
